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tv   Greta Van Susteren  FOX News  May 13, 2013 10:00pm-11:01pm PDT

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and i like jay leno's show. it's all the time we have left this evening. let not your heart be troubled. greta is next. thanks for being with us. >> tonight two megascandals exploding. news that more benghazi whistle blowers are expected to come forward, as allegations of a coverup heat up. but right now the irs getting it. theythey are alleging the irs is targeting conservative groups. >> the idea that the irs does this does not surprise anyone, does it? >> can you give us assurances they aren't targeting those groups. >> yeah. we pride ourselves on nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization. there is absolutely no targeting. >> if, in fact, irs personnel engaged in the kind of practices
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that have been reported on, then that's outrageous. >> there is no "if." the president must have forgotten that the internal revenue service took the extraordinary step last week and admitted doing these things and apologized for doing these things. >> it certainly does seem to be, based on what we've seen, to be inappropriate action that we would want to see thoroughly investigated. >> the irs has to show there are measures to punish those who did it and to prevent it from happening in the future. >> irs is the most feared and arguably it's the most hated. forgiveness comes with a cost. but the left needs it. >> somebody made the decision that they would give extra execute any to this particular group. i think we have to understand why. >> they need the irs collecting the revenue and the money to fund big government. >> we pride ourselves on being a
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nonpolitical, nonpartisan organization. >> i don't care if you are a conservative, a liberal, a democrat or a republican, this should send a chill up your spine. >> this no longer is a government of, by and for the people. this is a government governing against the will of the people. >> before i begin, i would just like to clear the air about that little controversy everybody was talking about a few weeks back. i have to tell you, i really thought this was much to do about nothing. but i do think we all learned an important lesson. i learned never again to pick another team over the sun devils in my ncaa picks. it won't happen again. and others will soon learn about being audited by the irs.
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>> president obama getting lots of laughs in 2009. but no one is laughing now. in fact, outrage is growing among republicans and cross-over targeting conservative groups. before i ask you about starting to question the irs about three years ago, you have been quoting as calling this chicago-style politics. i assume you stand by that. but do you have any reason to believe that the president new about irs targeting groups before friday? >> well, it's hard to say because we don't know. obviously this is something that an investigation will bring out. the house is going to have a hearing later this week, the senate is going to have a hearing later this week. but i think the president has a problem here, greta, whether he new about this or not because it feeds into the broader narrative that -- whether it's fast and furious, whether it's the report today that hhs is skirting the law by trying to get private companies to publicize obamacare, there are just so
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many things that come across to people as abuse of power. and i think this feeds into the narrative. the president is developing a bigger and bigger credibility gap with the american people. that's a real problem for him, whether he had any direct knowledge of it or not. >> last year you sent three letters to the irs. did you ever get an answer? to who were the letters addressed and what made you send the letters? >> we sent them to the irs commissioner who you heard back in the clip saying march they don't do this. >> march of last year. >> over a year ago. they started with letters in march because there were reports and rumors about it, targeting and harassment of conservative groups and we sent him other letters and in every circumstance the response came back, they didn't admit to any of this. >> did they say they were still look or did they deny it? >> they just said they don't do that. >> meaning what, they don't target? >> right. >> apparently they do, they just
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admitted and apologized last week. >> that's a huge credibility problem for the irs now because now the agency that's responsible for implementing and enforcing obamacare, and mortifies the american people. it's america's worst fierce about big government run amok. it's a big problem for the administration on top of benghazi and other problems going on out there. >> i think it's more than that. if the irs is specifically targeting group, that's more than just like we don't know what the right -- the right-hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing, that's more than a big government. that's something dirty if they were targeting a group. >> it is. and it conjures up ideas up for most americans, they think is this a police state or not when they hear these types of stories. but it's really caught fire out there. you probably heard it and we are hearing it, this is something that cross as line for people. when you start thinking that an
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agency, a government agency can do this to a conservative group simply because of their beliefs when these are, by and large, c-4s that do a lot of things that are very benign, organizations that just support really a stretch. this is >> the democrats are likewise outraged. senator harry reid something today and nancy pelosi. i assume there will be hearings to see exactly what the irs is doing. but one of the things of the irs, the complaints i'm hearing, besides the targeting, but that they are so slow in granting to some groups tax exempt status, that they are so slow to make it almost impossible for them to exist. it's not just targeting but are they targeting people by not delivering a swift decision on whether or not they will be a tax-exempt organization or not. that's another way to target them. >> sure. that's another example that's probably less overt. >> but just as painful. it can run you out of business. >> exactly.
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and if this sort of thing is going on and it's clearly intentional, and i think the hearings this week in the house and the senate, we are going to have hearings as well, it an outrage. this isn't confined to republicans, this is something the american people generally i think find outrageous and want answers. >> jay carney said tonight is all he knows what he read about this the press. i think the white house ought to get a little more interested in this. >> i do, too. and the president finally called it outrageous. >> he said if. he said if. >> he did not apologize. >> he said if it happened, he must not know that the irs has admitted and apologized last friday. it has happened. it's not if. >> thanks, greta. >> brace yourself. stunning testimony from benghazi whistle blowers, are we about to hear for testimony from more whistle blowers? they say yes. >> i think we will see more whistle blowers. i know my committee has been contacted and i think other
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committees have, as well. >> tonight some republican senators calling for a joint select committee to further investigate benghazi. sen lindsay graham is one of those. before we get to a joint committee, i'm curious, did you see the president's press conference where he was asked about benghazi and were you satisfied with his answers? >> it was disgusting. >> i guess you didn't like them, then. >> well, no. spin the ones, shame on you, spin me twice, shame on me. does the president of the united states really believe the american people are going to imbibe the story he told today, that he called it a terrorist attack from the getgo in his administration right afterwards tried to convince the american people there was no al-qaeda involvement, it was a spontaneous riot caused by hate full video generated in the united states and there was no preplanned terrorist attack. we aren't stupid in america and we will keep pushing. >> he has the twelve revisions
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that were another news organization that abc hit them with. then you have what he said today, he call it terrorism. we've all got the record. on september 12th. and what he said six days later on letterman and univision and four days later to the view and the next day to the u.n.. why does he keep saying that? >> because it worked. seven weeks before the election he was able to basically intimidate the romney campaign. the mainstream media, thank god nor fox and cbs and a few other outlets, have basically allowed months to go by when he gets away with it. >> but now he has the new york times -- >> why? because people like us are pushing and greg hicks came forward. >> all those news organization than take their responsibility for whatever they did do or didn't do but we are now at that point. what i don't get is why the president is still taking the position today -- >> he believes that he can keep denying the obvious and it will
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work. it's caught up with him. the fact of the matter is this administration manipulated the evidence that was abundant about a terrorist attack. if you put in one column all the evidence of a preplanned terrorist attack involving al-qaeda, and the evidence that says this was a spontaneous event caused by video, it's not even close. there's really no evidence to suggest what susan rice said, and the president still said it for two weeks this, is seven weeks before an election. they did not want to destroy the narrative that bin laden is dead, we are all safer. >> now it's eight months later and we have abc saying twelve revisions and we have the other record. and now you are asking for -- >> a select committee. >> you have a democratic majority in your house and the senate. do you have any case senator harry reid will go along with it? >> well, no. it's been so kiss pointing to see my democratic colleagues
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when it's all about getting to the bottom of the bush's failures. when people said in the bush administration iraq is still a few dead enders and things were going well, they weren't. we cannot have the right strategy. benghazi is a failed foreign policy. i pray and wish and hope that one democrat would take what happened in benghazi as seriously as the irs. john thune deserves a lot of credit. he was on this before anybody else about the irs targeting conservative groups. now we will have a hearing and everybody is outraged. what about four people killed by al-qaeda-backed terrorists eight months ago and our government lied about what happened to them. what about the death trap created called the benghazi consulate. what about the seven and a half hours they were being attacked and nobody could come to their aid? where was the outrage there? our president has been misleading misleading and manipulating the evidence and people under him have done the country a great
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disservice. we aren't going to stop. >> and i hear there are other whistleblowers. >> i do too. i'm tired of whistle blowers. it's eight months and not one survivor has been allowed to come forward on their own without fear of losing their job. it's time for the congress to tell this administration we have an independent duty, not the board appointed by secretary clinton, congress has an independent duty. we should call every survivor before congress, protecting their identity, if necessary, to get to the bottom of this. i can't believe after eight months the american people have not heard from one survivor other than a whistle blower. >> senator, thank you, sir. >> thank you. >> the department of justice, why are they snooping on the associated press? tonight word the justice department secretly seized two
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months of phone records of associated press journalists. a top executive calling it a massive and unprecedented intrusion. byron york joins us. what do you make of this? what is going on with the app and -- with the a. p. and the department of justice? >> this is really, really bad. >> as compared to the other two? >> it's hard to choose. national security leaks are serious. and the government really does have to look for officials who give up classified information. that said, they have just taken a sledge hamner this a. p. case. what they did was they secretly seized the phone records of a bunch of ap reporters. and we are talking about office records, home records, cell phone records. everybody they called. and the ap never knew about it. i mean, if you have a leak investigation, a lot of times the justice department will subpoena all these phone records
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and the media records get to contest that. they get to go in front of a judge and say, hey, this is too much. >> i forget the words but unless they fear something really horrible is going to happen then they don't get that, they just go seize them >> this was a big secret to the appst found out on friday. the reason we found out today was the app wrote a letter to the attorney general. and by the way, this kind of seizure of media phone records has to be approved by the attorney general himself. a. p. writes a letter and we finally find out about it. the other thing is the justice department will often work with an organization and say we don't want to infringe on your first amendment rights, we would like to do it as narrowly as possible, as little as possible but none of that happened again. >> why do they do it secretly instead of trying to work something out with the a. p.? >> we don't know. >> i guess maybe they thought they would try to destroy the
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record. if you thought this would be destruction of evidence. >> we don't know. we know or think we know there's a grand juriy into this event that the a.p. reported on. there was supposed to be, reportedly, an attack on a u.s. airliner in may of twelve, which was going to coincide with the one year anniversary of osama bin laden's death and the u.s. officials foiled that attack and the a.p. reported on it and there was a concern there was a serious national security leak that was the basis of the story. that's where we start off here. here again, it's the secrecy involved, not even telling a. p. that the home, cell and office numbers have all been, not tapped, but the records have been seized. >> also sort of the breadth of it. that's the other part of it. it's so broad. usually they sort of narrowly taylor it. >> but it's secret inside the a.p.. not everybody in said the a.p.
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knew what was going on. it was probably compartmentalized to a couple reporters and editors involved and executives. so this kind of broad subpoena was not really necessary. >> thank you. >> thank you. >> now to the hot wire issue. what do you think of the justice department's secrecies you are of the phone records? is this part of a fair and thorough investigation or do you think they are trying to in tim date the media? go to and vote in the policy. and we have new information in the kidnapping case. also new information out of boston. it may link the tsarnaev brothers to a grisly triple murder. a live report from boston coming up. and beyonce raising eyebrows again. what is the megastar up to now? stay tuned and find out.
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gestarting may 20th atts participating bay area stores. ♪ the. >> did the fbi blow a big chance to nab and stop ariel castro? he's the man accused of kidnapping, raping and torturing three girls, now women, for over ten years. the second husband of his ex-wife, fernando, said he tried
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to help the fbi, pointing agents in castro's direction but at the same time castro making his own accusations against colon. so what happened? this man worked for colon. nice to see you, chris, what happened that fernando directed the attention to ariel castro and then the fbi didn't bust castro? >> good evening, greta. what happened was fernando was working as a site supervisor at a shopping plaza at 110th and lorraine. a couple months after gina disappeared, i got a call from an fbi agent and he asked me, of course, we don't have a warrant but we would like to take a look at the patrol car that was used for security up there. we would like to talk to fernando. would you mind if we picked up the car and do you think fernando would cooperate? i granted both requests. i didn't have a problem with it and i expect it had at some
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point. so he went to his fbi interview. they did pick up the patrol car. fernando returned and the word i got everything looked good with fernando. apparently during that interview fernando told the fbi, hey, i'm the step father and you are looking at me. why aren't you looking at the father, ariel castro? >> and they just said no or didn't bother? that was the end of it? >> you know, i really don't know what happened inside there as far as, i was not at the interview and i don't know what kind of decisions were made. but as far as we can tell, that he was never spoken to. >> all right. now, you know emily, who is the daughter of ariel castro. when was the last time you spoke to her? >> i actually spoke to her today. i went up to the prison in indiana today. spent almost two hours with her and talked to her about many things today. >> what has she said? has she every been inside that house?
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>> as a matter of fact, the night before fernando's trial, and she was going to testify, and she spent the night in that house. >> and that's about 2004, 2005? >> that would have been august 28th or 29, 2005. >> all right. and so the three girls/young women were already in the house. did emily say there was anything peculiar about the house? did she know the women were in the house? >> i guess she must have taken her dad a little bit by surprise from what i gathered because she said when she arrived she knocked on the door and her dad kind of gave her a surprised look. she asked him to stay there that night because she wanted to be close to her dad for this trial. he said, well, you got to give me some time. i'll take you. we will get something to eat here. he went back in the house and didn't let her in at that time. he came back out. took her to go get something to eat. when they returned she asked if she could go up to her hold room and sleep up there, and the dad
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told her, no, it's cold up there and there is a lot of junk up there. well, it was the end of august. couldn't have been cold. there was a big base speaker apparently at the top of the stairs kind of blocking the path. so emily slept in the living room that night with her dad. >> so she never knew. she had no idea the three were in the house apparently? >> apparently. >> chris, thank you very much. >> okay. thank you, greta. >> coming up, charles ram say t-shirts and tattoos and even a ramsey burger. he's the man who raced to the rescue of the three women and his life hasn't been the same next. he joins us next. and also beyoncé and jay-z causing a international outcry causing a international outcry the kyocera torque lets you hear and be heard even in stupid loud places. to prove it, we set up our call center right here...
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>> from dish washer to hero to now celebrity. charles ramsay thrust into the national spotlight after heroically helped capture three young girls, now women. amazing rescue and escape was exactly one week ago tonight. charles ramsay joins us from cleveland. nice to see you, charles. >> hi. thank you. >> what's it like to be a celebrity, charles? >> i don't have a clue. what's it like to help some girls have a good mother's day and live the rest of their life, phenom. >> what did you first notice? when did you first think there was a problem? >> when i was being disturbed from eating my cheeseburger by a scream from a girl who shouldn't have even been on the street. >> what did you think the scream was? i'm sure you didn't contemplate it was amber -- i mean amanda. >> right, right.
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i thought it was -- i was getting ready to have a good night show because the way that screaming was, surely a fight was getting ready to break out so i thought i was going to sit on my porch and watch a good fight. >> how far is that home from your home? >> approximately 25 inches. >> when and you had never in all the time you lived there ever heard any noise coming out of the house that was remotely similar? >> not a thing. only salsa music. >> you get up and go outside or tell me what you do. what do you do? >> i don't do anything. i go to my front door and try to figure out why somebody is kicking on the door next to me. and i see my neighbor running across the street and i bondser where he's going. i come outside to see what he's look at and we both see this pretty white girl in this dude's house.
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do you want me to go on with the story or another question? >> i sure do. tell me what else. keep going. >> all right. so i go on the porch with the cheeseburger and i ask this girl, how did you get in the house? she said i don't have to explain how i got in the house. just get me out. she said, mumbled something, something, something, berry. the reason why i didn't hear the first part is because she was talking to me as i was trying to get her out. we were making a lot of noise, you know, like keep in mind i'm trying to break her out of somebody's house and have a conversation with her at the same time. you know, do the math. so the friend, neighbor, that i saw run across the street, he wouldn't give me a hand. he ran behind me. understood. i'm not bashing him. it was a panicky situation. i'm not saying i'm calm under
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the pressure that he is. it's just one of those i got to do this or i will feel bad about myself type situation. so trying to open the door doesn't work. so i kicked the bottom of the door because it was a screen door, a seven dollars door. she crawls underneath the door, she grabs her baby and she go to my house. grabbed a cell phone to call 911. i gave her the phone. like an idiot, she has a baby crying his starecally and she has a baby shaking his starecally and i thought it was a good idea to hand her a phone. that didn't work. isen her across the street. 80 degrees outside. cleveland, ohio around 4:00 in the afternoon. it wasn't like there was two pit bulls outside and a sparrow. the street was crowded. people doing whatever they do on a warm day. so she makes her phone call on
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the neighbor's phone. i make the 911 call on my phone. i make some smart comments to the police just to speed up the process because i figured don't ask me questions when the 911 button is hit. i never understood that. you hit 911, what's your emergency. i tell you my emergency and you ask me where i'm at. i tell you where i'm at, you tell me stay on the line, well, stay on the line or you are going to tell me, okay, talk to the car that's going to be there, but he hung up. i wonder who that happened to, not to get into that. so anyway, as i'm standing next to amanda, here comes the good old officers. one officer goes right to amanda. he's getting ready to put her in the car. she says, well, there is two more girls in there so i'm not going anywhere until we get them
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out of there. i was blown away. nobody is thinking about no gina or michelle or anybody else. we just want to see who is coming out of the house. who are these two girls. sure enough, dough and michelle night. >> did amanda at anytime identify her? did she say i'm amanda berry and do you know who i am or did you know who she was. >> she said that three or four times. >> did you know who that was? >> she's been gone tore ten years. if you you have been in a relationship -- say in your city, some child came up missing ten years ago, would it ring a fing bell to you? >> what did you say when she said i'm amanda berry? oh, you are the one whose been missing for ten years? did you say anything to her. >> that's exactly what i said,
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verbatim. >> and did she say anything more to you? >> like what? >> like thank you for opening the door, getting me out? >> no, no. what do you mean, what do i need gratuity for, she's shaking like a leaf. say i came to your house or i kidnap you or two of my friends kidnap you and keep you a way for three years, you get through? it would be a while before the person helped you escape you sent them, i don't know, a complimentary steak dinner from red lobster. it wasn't on her mind, you know, to thank me at the time. >> i can certainly understands that, charles. but certainly it is an amazing story. thank you for telling us. >> you're quite welcome. >> not everyone agrees with charles ramsey, the account of what happened last monday night. some neighbors telling us the rescue went down differently. >> i'm just going to say from
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the beginning -- like they were talking, neighbor talking with her. and she hear the hollering and she look across the street. she saw this hand waving, help, help, she run across the street. she said amanda berry was hollering, i'm amanda berry, i'm amanda berry. no, i'm amanda berry, i've been kidnapped here ten years. and then my mother call angel and told angel, angel, come, hurry up, amanda is here and she's been kidnapped for ten years, come on, come on, help her, help her. >> how did you breakthrough the door? >> first he tried to open the
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door but since the door had been chained he started kicking the door in from the bottom. tell amanda to tick in the door from the inside. finally they broke the door. amanda came out but she remembered the little girl was inside. she went back to grab the little girl. >> were you worried ariel might find out. >> yeah. >> might be home and you will be in danger? >> yeah, he was scared because when he took amanda out he said let's get out of here. this man could come back and kill us all. and when he hear all the commotion, chuck come out. >> chuck ramsey? >> chuck ram say. he cam outside and asked what happened. and my mom said she amanda berry, she's been here ten years. >> and he go crazy. it it clicked him and he went crazy. yeah, he started jumping up and down and -- i think that's when
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he called 911. >> he called 911. how did amanda get out of the house? who helped? was it charles, was it angel. >> charles never helped amanda. who help amanda was angel. >> ram say's story is not quite accurate? >> no, he's lying. he's lying. he was inside the house. he never came from mcdonald's, never. >> just unclear. what is charles ramsay lying about? >> ramsay is lying he opened the door. and amanda came to embrace him. that's lying. he never took her -- he's saying now he took her inside his house to call the police. that's a lie. and the one -- amanda embraced the police when the police got here. >> and the neighbors are not the only ones trying to set the record straight as the incredible story keeps taking new turns. up next you will hear from ariel
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castro's uncle. you will hear what he says. that's two minutes away. and a shock twist in the murder of an 8-year-old girl that we've been reporting here on the record. a suspect is now under arrest so why is the community still on edge? find out. a live report from california is for all kinds of reasons. i go to angie's list to gauge whether or not the projects will be done in a timely fashion and within budget. angie's list members can tell you which provider is the best in town. you'll find reviews on everything from home repair to healthcare. now that we're expecting, i like the fact that i can go onto angie's list and look for pediatricians. the service providers that i've found on angie's list actually have blown me away. join today and find out why over 1 million members count on angie's list. angie's list -- reviews you can trust. how you work so hard without looking like you do. how you make every dollar stretch so far and keep your family so close.
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>> one week after the amazing escape of three girls, now women, some people are still wondering how could known have known? didn't his friends, neighbors, relatives see anything? his uncle owns a store near the suspect's home but he says he hasn't seen his nephew in years. >> he's my nephew. but there were two ariels because he was the type of person that could have two different personalities. it's been about seven years since he was here last. >> seven years since ariel came down here? >> yep. >> he's your nephew. you don't say what are you doing, come here and give me
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some business? >> he didn't his uncle to maybe detect nothing. he went and bought in separate super markets. >> do you think the family knew something was up and simply looked the other way or were they totally in the dark? go to and plus see this day calls you. to fight chronic osteoarthritis pain. to fight chronic low back pain. to take action. to take the next step. today, y will know you did something for your pain. cymbalta can help. cymbalta is a pain reliever fda-approved to manage chronic musculoskeletal pain. one non-narcotic pill a day, every day, can helpeduce this pain. tell your doctor right away if you have unusual changes in mood or behavior or thoughts of suicide. anti-depressants can increase these in children, teens, and young adults. cymbalta inot for children under 18. people taking maois, linezolid or thioridazine or with uncontrolled glaucoma should not take cymbalta. taking it with nsaid pain relievers, aspirin,
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>> tonight a california community is in shock. over the weekend police making a arrest in the murder of 8-year-old lela fowler. the suspect, her little brother. we are live with the latest. benches, ben, why did they turn to the ten-year-old? >> i don't think it was sudden. i think it was the process of investigating this over two weeks since lay -- she was murdered. leila and her twelve-year-old brother were here alone two
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weeks ago when she was stabbed to death, ultimately bleeding to death. the brother called her parents, the mother and step father, saying a man broke into the house. ultimately the police came out and looked at the evidence collected from the home and finally began lacking at that twelve-year-old boy as a suspect in this case. >> where is he now? i take it he's in custody someplace? >> he is in custody. he's in a juvenile facility. someone that young, of course, not housed with the regular adult inmates. now, there will be a hearing within 48 hours. that means it has to happen tomorrow. a judge will have the discretion whether to let him go back with his parents because he's so young. he doesn't have to do that and in this case he likely won't because of the severity of the crime. >> any quick idea on motive? was it just a fight between two siblings? >> we don't really know a motive, whether it was a fight or not. we do know he did have a troubled past. a number of sources tell us he in fact had been sent home from
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school, had brought a small knife to school, and there were other issues with him over the course of his life and his relationship with his sister. a motive for what happened two weeks ago, there isn't one. >> ben, thank you. and tonight did the boston bombers also murder three people on september 11th, 2011? gruesome reports and mounting evidence. all three victims had their throats slashed. new evidence could place tamerlan tsarnaev and dzhokhar near the scene of the crime. why are they now focusing on the two tsarnaevs? >> well, the latest information, greta, is that recently we've learned that authorities have found that on the day of this brutal murder, which happened on september 10 -- september 11, 2011, on the day of that murder, dzhokhar's and tamerlan's cell
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phones were pinged in the area of the homicide. we also learned that tamerlan's fingerprints were found inside the apartment, inside the scene of the crime. but there is a lot of circumstantial evidence. tamerlan, now decreased, he was friends with one of the people so it's not unusual that his fingerprints were found inside the apartments or his cell phone was used near the murder scene but it's something they are taking a look at to see if there is a firm link. right now there's no firm link tieing these two, the triple murder and these two suspects. >>al three of their throats slit so it seems unlikely it was one murder, seems like the work of two? is that what the authorities think, at least two? >> absolutely. absolutely. at least two. and something interesting i have uncovered. go ahead. >> no, go ahead, tell me that. >> what i was going to tell you is that the position of the
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bodies is really interesting. two of the victims had their throats slashed. they were found together in the apartment. the third victim was found in another area of the apartment. he died from other wounds in addition to having his throat cut, as well. there was marijuana, high-grade marijuana found sprinkled on the bodies of the sue suspects who had their throat slashed found together, but not on the third victim. the third victim is brendan, he's the one that was a friend of tamerlan tsarnaev. that's very interesting. also $5,000 of cash was found inside of that apartment as well. so this was not any kind of a drug rip. an investigator told me from the very beginning when he looked at it on the day of these murders, that he felt this was a message murder meant to send a message to someone, but the question they just can't answer is who was that message intended for. >> bob, thank you. straight ahead, off the controversy of before, beyonce
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>> okay, hot off the controversy over their cuba trip, beyonce and jay-z raising eyebrows again but this time for very different reason. people magazine reporting is beyonce expecting baby number two? yes, the word is they are expecting another child. no confirmation from the couple yet. maybe there was a reason for the pictures going viral. and people singing from the weirdest places like from the back of police cars?
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or even in space? ♪ this is major tom to ground control ♪ >> and this one, watch, a woman is kicked off plane for sing "i will always love you." ♪ i will always love you >> no photos are allowed to be taken on the aircraft. >> it was supposed to be a nonstop flight but she wouldn't pipe down so the flight was diverted to kansas city to remove the singer. at least the passengers were serenaded with a good song? and richard branson might wouldn't a do-over. buzz is reporting he dresses as female flight attendant. look at this video. the billionaire mogul was making good on a bet. they bet on whose formula one
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racing team would win the race. i don't know, sir richard, maybe we should start calling you lead richard. now it's your term to hash it out with us. don't forget to follow me on twitter at greta wire. coming up, an unusual idea everyone is going to be talking about tomorrow. it could be a solution to the immigration reform controversy. we wonder if you like this idea? we will te
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call. thank you for being with us tonight we'll see you again tomorrow night. make sure you go to and let us know what you thought about tonight's show. good night from washington. >> yes, demand it. this is a tokes news alert. -- a fox news alert. a verdict has been reached in the trial of dr. kermit gosnell. he is accused of killing a patient and four babies born alive. the jury found him guilty of three counts of first degree murder. kimberly is outside the courtroom in philadelphia and joins us now. kimberly? >> hi, eric. hi, everybody. justice delayed was not justice denied. a jury of his peers found gosnell guilty of first degree murder charges of infanticide. there were 211 counts of failing to notify the 24-hour time frame and council before an abortion is


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